Carbon Footprints Explained

What’s Your
Carbon Footprint?

What is a carbon footprint anyway?

Everyday, we all use power in one form or another.
We light and heat our homes, sometimes needlessly.
We drive to work when maybe, we don’t have to.
Or maybe, when you make a cup of tea, you fill the kettle to the top for one cup.

All these things use power, the more power we consume the more CO2 collects in the atmosphere.

This is something that most of us are aware of. But most of us have probably not considered how we can look into reducing these CO2 emissions by using less power.

So what have feet got to do with this?

A carbon footprint is a measurement (in tonnes) of CO2 emissions that is generated by people and how much power they consume and how much they drive a car or use public transport, some road cars and public transport is now becoming greener, but the majority is still a hazard to the environment.

The average annual measurement of CO2 emissions from a UK household is around 10 tonnes.

Where do we go from here?

Below is a list of links offering you more information about carbon reduction.
We also urge you to try one of the carbon footprint calculators.


Green Works

Waste & Resource Action Group
0808 100 2040

Waste Watch

Environmental Agency
08708 506506

Friends of the Earth
020 7490 1555

The Carbon Trust

Carbon Footprint


Carbon Footprint – Carbon Calculator

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